C. Czernowin

C. Czernowin

Chaya Czernowin (born December 7, 1957) is an Israeli American composer, and Walter Bigelow Rosen Professor of Music at Harvard University. She is the lead composer at the Schloß Solitude Sommerakademie, a biannual international academy of composers and resident musicians at the landmark Schloß Solitude, in Stuttgart, Germany. She is a 2011 Guggenheim Fellow.

Czernowin spent several years after her formal studies on residencies and fellowships in Japan, Europe, and the United States.[8] She was awarded the Ernst von Siemens Music Composers' Prize in 2003. From 1997–2006, she was professor of composition at UCSD, and between 2006–2009 she was professor of composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna.

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C. Czernowin
  • Heart Chamber (2019)

    Heart Chamber by C.Czernowin, from Deutsche Oper Berlin, 2019. Directed by Claus Guth, conductor Johannes Kalitzke, starring Dietrich Henschel,Noa Frenkel,Patrizia Ciofi,Terry Wey. Performed in English and subtitles in German and English.